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Repsol Campus

Lugar destacado e histórico   Gasolinera   Coche y automovil  
Repsol Campus is a building that serves as headquarters of the oil company Repsol, located on Mendez Alvaro street, 44, in the city of Madrid, Spain. It was designed by the architect Rafael de La-Hoz Arderius. The plot of this building, which houses about 4,000 employees, is equivalent to the extension of the Monastery of El Escorial and the size of its indoor garden is a bit higher than a soccer field. Leer más

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Repsol Campus Puntuación en las redes sociales:
5.3 / 10
  Este valor se basa en el número de visitas, en el número de "checkins", y en el número de "likes" en Facebook en los últimos meses.
Mayor actividad en diciembre:
Repsol Campus tiene un total de 350 visitas ("checkins") y 35 "likes".